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Chéri Chérin's biography:
Born in Kinshasa in 1955, Chéri Chérin, whose real name is Joseph Kinkonda, is one of the leading figures of the Congolese popular painting movement. He has developed his own narrative figure painting style based on themes from Congolese society. The famous SAPE has a special place in his work, especially as he himself was one of the pioneers of the SAPE movement (Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnalités Elégantes, Society of Fun lovers and Elegant People), whose members love to wear expensive labels, which has now become a key part of Congolese identity. The key to his success, apart from the liveliness of his compositions and his easy brushstrokes, is having looked outside Congolese society in order to depict international subjects with the same ironic, comical or darkly humorous verve that he uses when painting human relationships on the street corner.

Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of the Congo
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